Load image into Gallery viewer, FURY EXTREME PRE-WORKOUT 18g 1serv Raspberry Bomb - Pre-workout supplement with high caffeine content to boost energy, enhance pump (NO), burn fat and improve endurance (CarnoGen®).
Load image into Gallery viewer, FURY EXTREME PRE-WORKOUT 18g 1serv Raspberry Bomb - Pre-workout supplement with high caffeine content to boost energy, enhance pump (NO), burn fat and improve endurance (CarnoGen®).

Fury Extreme 18g/1 serv

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The best ingredients, really insane muscle pumps and energy supply via malic acid. This is possible because citrulline is converted efficiently in the body and arginine is a metabolic precursor of (it can be used to make) nitric oxide. Nitric oxide (NO) is a powerful vasodilator, which means it makes blood vessels wider. Wider blood vessels mean greater blood flow to muscles, greater blood flow means better nutrient delivery. This, in turn, means increased strength and improved recovery. You will feel the difference from the first servings of the Fury Extreme. We use the best concentration and purity to offer you an unforgettable workout experience.


This amino acid is essential for the production of carnosine. Carnosine - for those who have not heard of it - is a protein building block that is mostly concentrated in muscles and is largely used to prevent ageing, as well as to ensure proper function and development of muscles. Beta-alanine plays an important role in the production of carnosine because it allows more carnosine to reach the muscles, that would otherwise be largely destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract. This, however, is not the only benefit of beta-alanine. As we’ll be discussing, there are a variety of other benefits of taking beta-alanine.

One very important benefit is that beta-alanine can reduce muscle fatigue. As you’re working out, your muscles will experience acid build-up, which leads to muscles becoming fatigued and to a shorter workout. That’s where beta-alanine comes in. As mentioned before, beta-alanine is an important component in the production of carnosine. Carnosine acts as a buffer that helps to maintain a normal acid balance in your muscles. This, in turn, means that your muscles can work harder and longer without becoming fatigued, which will lead to more muscle gains.

Another benefit of beta-alanine is that it increases workout performance, particularly with anaerobic exercise. As we’ve mentioned earlier, beta-alanine helps to blunt the effects of muscle fatigue by reducing acid build-up in muscles. Research has shown that acid build-up occurs the most often during anaerobic exercise, and particularly during high-intensity, short-duration activities, like weightlifting. This makes it very beneficial for weightlifters. This, in turn, makes it much easier for you to put on some more lean muscle mass and burn fat, especially when you combine it with creatine. In fact, this is why beta-alanine and creatine are in our Fury Extreme formula.


Reducing fatigue and improving endurance performance is the clinical trial area where BCAAs perform most impressively. There are two mechanisms via which BCAAs improve performance. First, BCAAs can be burnt as energy to maintain ATP energy levels during glycogen-depleting exercise. BCAAs may also enhance the body’s ability to burn fat, increasing the accessible energy pool. Second, BCAAs prevent fatigue of the central nervous system by inhibiting uptake of tryptophan into the brain. Tryptophan is used to make serotonin in the brain, increasing tiredness and fatigue. Scientists who study the limits of human performance believe that the real limiting factor in performance is when the brain tells you "I’m done!" BCAAs are burnt for energy (oxidized) during exercise, so they are also an important exercise fuel. BCAA supplementation may decrease serum concentrations of the intramuscular enzymes creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase following prolonged exercise. This can reduce muscle damage and improve recovery. Our Fury Extreme pre-workout contains the most important amino acids. We use only fermented BCAAs.


ATP is the main unit of energy used in the human body and all forms of nutrition are broken down into this universal energy "currency". During exercise, ATP is metabolised into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) when the muscle tissue contracts, releasing one of the high energy phosphate bonds of ATP. As creatine is a store of high energy phosphate groups in the form of phosphocreatine, when ATP loses one of its phosphate groups and becomes a useless ADP molecule, creatine can provide it with another one, therefore rapidly replenishing muscle's ATP (energy) store. Creatine HCl will help you to increase your power and push further your workout performance in perfect synergy with the other ingredients.


It is a non-essential amino acid, which, in simple terms, means that the body can naturally synthesize it by itself, unlike essential amino acids, which it cannot. Despite this, however, just because the body can produce it naturally, this does not mean that increased concentrations in the body won’t be beneficial, because they are. Not only is it produced by the body, it is also naturally found in food sources including fish, meat, and dairy produce. Taurine plays a number of key roles in the healthy function of the human body, and what is more, according to health experts, if the body fails to produce enough, or if not enough is obtained from dietary sources, taurine supplementation will be essential. This amino acid is rich in sulphur, and in reality, the word "taurine" has Latin origins, as it is derived from the word "taurus" which means "bull". Forget those absurd rumours you’ve probably read on social media, about how taurine is "derived from bull sperm" because that is complete nonsense, as in reality, it comes from the animal's bile. Taurine works on a number of levels within the body and functions in a number of different ways. For example, taurine protects the heart and the cardiovascular system, due to the fact that it functions as an antioxidant which can prevent the oxidation of harmful LDL cholesterol. It also helps to improve brain health. In terms of weight loss and athletic performance, taurine functions as a vasodilator which widens the blood vessels and allows more oxygenated blood to be carried to the awaiting cells throughout the body. Because of this, it can function as a stimulant, without the extreme effects associated with other stimulants such as caffeine. In terms of bodybuilding, taurine really comes into its own as it speeds up protein synthesis, all the while increasing insulin sensitivity in the process.


It works in a number of different ways and can therefore, provide a number of different benefits to the human body, which we’ll be looking at in just a moment. To begin with, tyrosine helps the body to manufacture vital neurotransmitters that help to regulate your mood, concentration, and focus levels. For example, one of these neurotransmitters is dopamine, which is a chemical that helps us to feel happy and relaxed. Other neurotransmitters include epinephrine and norepinephrine, which help regulate stress responses. L-tyrosine also plays a vital role in protein synthesis, in which the body synthesizes new muscle proteins to replace old or damaged ones. In total, around 20 amino acids are required for protein synthesis to occur, and tyrosine is one of those 20 and one of the most important. Protein synthesis is not only essential for muscle growth and repair, it is also vital for the growth and regeneration of new cells. We use in Fury Extreme N-acetyl-L-tyrosine - a modified version of the amino acid that has the active compound "acetic acid" in order to increase bioavailability and absorption. Studies suggest that providing more bioavailable L-tyrosine helps to support the same functions (and benefits) in the body.


As a nootropic, phenylalanine increases dopamine and epinephrine, which are neurotransmitters associated with mood enhancement, desire, motivation, fight-or-flight responses, and heart rate. When the levels of these neurotransmitters increase just before a workout session, the end results can be incredible. Phenylalanine pre-workout supplements contain other ingredients that combine together to boost energy and improve mood and willingness to exercise longer and harder. The benefits are therefore both psychological and physical. Phenylalanine supplements can be used for a number of different goals, including by anyone who wants to shed some weight or to build stronger muscles. Its association with thyroid and metabolism regulation means it can ease access to and metabolism of fatty tissues. It also spurs energy and concentration, allowing users to exercise longer and achieve their goals.


It is an amino acid that derives from the amino acid valine - one of the three branched-chain amino acids. Valine supports blood flow and cardiovascular function. Since pumps are a priority, this is important and this is why norvaline can be such a positive influence on your training and long-term goals. L-norvaline supports body arginine concentrations. The ultimate purpose of norvaline is to assist in the regulation of both nitric oxide (NO) and blood flow. NO is a natural molecule that increases vasodilation. What does this mean for you as a lifter? This means your blood vessels will dilate and your blood pressure will reduce. This process is known as vasodilation. With norvaline, vasodilation will be greater which translates into bigger pumps that will last long after your workout is over. This greater amount of nutrient rich blood flowing to muscles for longer periods can have a positive effect on your recovery which means you’ll see better results in the long run. Norvaline extends nitric oxide boosting effects by stunting arginase activity. Arginase is an enzyme that removes arginine and converts it to urea. Arginase can also restrict or regulate the production of nitric oxide. Norvaline stunting arginase means it helps promote unrestricted nitric oxide levels. According to a study from the Department of Medical Physiology and Microcirculation at Texas A&M University, norvaline increases NO production by 55%.


Caffeine works as a stimulant due to the fact that it has been found to alter the chemistry of the human brain, blocking various actions of regular brain chemicals that make us feel tired, sleepy, and lethargic. Adenosine, for example, is a lethargy-inducing chemical that binds onto specialist adenosine receptors within the brain. Once bound, nerve cell activity is reduced. However, to specialist nerve cells, caffeine looks almost identical to adenosine, so, once consumed, it will bind to these cells, too. However, caffeine behaves very differently to adenosine, as rather than promoting lethargy and drowsiness, caffeine has stimulating effects, making us feel more energized and alert. Caffeine also blocks adenosine, so more neurons are able to fire in the brain, and again, more energy and focus will be achieved. Things do not stop there however, as adrenalin is also produced, as the pituitary gland, sensing that something is different, sends a message to the adrenal glands to produce adrenalin, also known as epinephrine. Energy increase is the most obvious benefit associated with caffeine. When you’re feeling tired, or are struggling to focus, caffeine can provide a strong, but temporary, increase in energy levels. That is why Fury Extreme contains 300 mg of caffeine.


A precisely dosed mix of stimulant and nootropic alkaloids which are extracted from the schisandra fruit, cayenne pepper fruit, and bitter orange fruit. This perfect synergy will make you feel intense focus and sharp energy. Fury Extreme is a unique pre-workout stimulator which will help you to get the best version of yourself, will give you intensity and will fire up your every workout.


It enhances absorption and delivery of the ingredients for an even higher efficiency of Fury Extreme formula.


Mix 1 sachet of Fury Extreme and 350 ml of water in your shaker cup and consume 5 minutes before workout on an empty stomach. 

As Fury Extreme is a very potent supplement, we recommend beginner users to test their tolerance to this product.

As the recommended dose contains the equivalent of three cups of coffee (300 mg), we advise you to limit use of medicine, food or drinks which contain caffeine. This product is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and for persons suffering from phenylketonuria.

Warning! This product is prone to caking as it contains ingredients classified as hygroscopic. They absorb moisture from the environment and this can lead to clumping of powder into hard blocks. This is an absolutely normal process and does not indicate that the product is outdated. The hardening of the product does not affect its efficiency or flavour. To use the product, it is sufficient to stir the container or to break the hardened pieces. Store in a dry place to avoid caking.

Persons with known allergies to any ingredient of the product should consult a specialist and test the product before use. If an allergic reaction occurs, stop using the product; if symptoms persist or worsen, stop using the product and urgently see a doctor.

A serving of 18 g (1 sachet): 0 kJ/0 kcal, fat – 0 g, sugar – 0 g, fibre – 0 g, protein – 0 g, salt – 0 g.

Keep out of the reach of small children.

Store at temperatures under 25 °C, protected from light and moisture in the original container.

This dietary supplement should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Do not exceed recommended daily dose.




The best ingredients, really insane muscle pumps and energy supply via malic acid. This is possible because citrulline is converted efficiently in the body and arginine is a metabolic precursor of (it can be used to make) nitric oxide. Nitric oxide (NO) is a powerful vasodilator, which means it makes blood vessels wider. Wider blood vessels mean greater blood flow to muscles, greater blood flow means better nutrient delivery. This, in turn, means increased strength and improved recovery. You will feel the difference from the first servings of the Fury Extreme. We use the best concentration and purity to offer you an unforgettable workout experience.


This amino acid is essential for the production of carnosine. Carnosine - for those who have not heard of it - is a protein building block that is mostly concentrated in muscles and is largely used to prevent ageing, as well as to ensure proper function and development of muscles. Beta-alanine plays an important role in the production of carnosine because it allows more carnosine to reach the muscles, that would otherwise be largely destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract. This, however, is not the only benefit of beta-alanine. As we’ll be discussing, there are a variety of other benefits of taking beta-alanine.

One very important benefit is that beta-alanine can reduce muscle fatigue. As you’re working out, your muscles will experience acid build-up, which leads to muscles becoming fatigued and to a shorter workout. That’s where beta-alanine comes in. As mentioned before, beta-alanine is an important component in the production of carnosine. Carnosine acts as a buffer that helps to maintain a normal acid balance in your muscles. This, in turn, means that your muscles can work harder and longer without becoming fatigued, which will lead to more muscle gains.

Another benefit of beta-alanine is that it increases workout performance, particularly with anaerobic exercise. As we’ve mentioned earlier, beta-alanine helps to blunt the effects of muscle fatigue by reducing acid build-up in muscles. Research has shown that acid build-up occurs the most often during anaerobic exercise, and particularly during high-intensity, short-duration activities, like weightlifting. This makes it very beneficial for weightlifters. This, in turn, makes it much easier for you to put on some more lean muscle mass and burn fat, especially when you combine it with creatine. In fact, this is why beta-alanine and creatine are in our Fury Extreme formula.


Reducing fatigue and improving endurance performance is the clinical trial area where BCAAs perform most impressively. There are two mechanisms via which BCAAs improve performance. First, BCAAs can be burnt as energy to maintain ATP energy levels during glycogen-depleting exercise. BCAAs may also enhance the body’s ability to burn fat, increasing the accessible energy pool. Second, BCAAs prevent fatigue of the central nervous system by inhibiting uptake of tryptophan into the brain. Tryptophan is used to make serotonin in the brain, increasing tiredness and fatigue. Scientists who study the limits of human performance believe that the real limiting factor in performance is when the brain tells you "I’m done!" BCAAs are burnt for energy (oxidized) during exercise, so they are also an important exercise fuel. BCAA supplementation may decrease serum concentrations of the intramuscular enzymes creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase following prolonged exercise. This can reduce muscle damage and improve recovery. Our Fury Extreme pre-workout contains the most important amino acids. We use only fermented BCAAs.


ATP is the main unit of energy used in the human body and all forms of nutrition are broken down into this universal energy "currency". During exercise, ATP is metabolised into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) when the muscle tissue contracts, releasing one of the high energy phosphate bonds of ATP. As creatine is a store of high energy phosphate groups in the form of phosphocreatine, when ATP loses one of its phosphate groups and becomes a useless ADP molecule, creatine can provide it with another one, therefore rapidly replenishing muscle's ATP (energy) store. Creatine HCl will help you to increase your power and push further your workout performance in perfect synergy with the other ingredients.


It is a non-essential amino acid, which, in simple terms, means that the body can naturally synthesize it by itself, unlike essential amino acids, which it cannot. Despite this, however, just because the body can produce it naturally, this does not mean that increased concentrations in the body won’t be beneficial, because they are. Not only is it produced by the body, it is also naturally found in food sources including fish, meat, and dairy produce. Taurine plays a number of key roles in the healthy function of the human body, and what is more, according to health experts, if the body fails to produce enough, or if not enough is obtained from dietary sources, taurine supplementation will be essential. This amino acid is rich in sulphur, and in reality, the word "taurine" has Latin origins, as it is derived from the word "taurus" which means "bull". Forget those absurd rumours you’ve probably read on social media, about how taurine is "derived from bull sperm" because that is complete nonsense, as in reality, it comes from the animal's bile. Taurine works on a number of levels within the body and functions in a number of different ways. For example, taurine protects the heart and the cardiovascular system, due to the fact that it functions as an antioxidant which can prevent the oxidation of harmful LDL cholesterol. It also helps to improve brain health. In terms of weight loss and athletic performance, taurine functions as a vasodilator which widens the blood vessels and allows more oxygenated blood to be carried to the awaiting cells throughout the body. Because of this, it can function as a stimulant, without the extreme effects associated with other stimulants such as caffeine. In terms of bodybuilding, taurine really comes into its own as it speeds up protein synthesis, all the while increasing insulin sensitivity in the process.


It works in a number of different ways and can therefore, provide a number of different benefits to the human body, which we’ll be looking at in just a moment. To begin with, tyrosine helps the body to manufacture vital neurotransmitters that help to regulate your mood, concentration, and focus levels. For example, one of these neurotransmitters is dopamine, which is a chemical that helps us to feel happy and relaxed. Other neurotransmitters include epinephrine and norepinephrine, which help regulate stress responses. L-tyrosine also plays a vital role in protein synthesis, in which the body synthesizes new muscle proteins to replace old or damaged ones. In total, around 20 amino acids are required for protein synthesis to occur, and tyrosine is one of those 20 and one of the most important. Protein synthesis is not only essential for muscle growth and repair, it is also vital for the growth and regeneration of new cells. We use in Fury Extreme N-acetyl-L-tyrosine - a modified version of the amino acid that has the active compound "acetic acid" in order to increase bioavailability and absorption. Studies suggest that providing more bioavailable L-tyrosine helps to support the same functions (and benefits) in the body.


As a nootropic, phenylalanine increases dopamine and epinephrine, which are neurotransmitters associated with mood enhancement, desire, motivation, fight-or-flight responses, and heart rate. When the levels of these neurotransmitters increase just before a workout session, the end results can be incredible. Phenylalanine pre-workout supplements contain other ingredients that combine together to boost energy and improve mood and willingness to exercise longer and harder. The benefits are therefore both psychological and physical. Phenylalanine supplements can be used for a number of different goals, including by anyone who wants to shed some weight or to build stronger muscles. Its association with thyroid and metabolism regulation means it can ease access to and metabolism of fatty tissues. It also spurs energy and concentration, allowing users to exercise longer and achieve their goals.


It is an amino acid that derives from the amino acid valine - one of the three branched-chain amino acids. Valine supports blood flow and cardiovascular function. Since pumps are a priority, this is important and this is why norvaline can be such a positive influence on your training and long-term goals. L-norvaline supports body arginine concentrations. The ultimate purpose of norvaline is to assist in the regulation of both nitric oxide (NO) and blood flow. NO is a natural molecule that increases vasodilation. What does this mean for you as a lifter? This means your blood vessels will dilate and your blood pressure will reduce. This process is known as vasodilation. With norvaline, vasodilation will be greater which translates into bigger pumps that will last long after your workout is over. This greater amount of nutrient rich blood flowing to muscles for longer periods can have a positive effect on your recovery which means you’ll see better results in the long run. Norvaline extends nitric oxide boosting effects by stunting arginase activity. Arginase is an enzyme that removes arginine and converts it to urea. Arginase can also restrict or regulate the production of nitric oxide. Norvaline stunting arginase means it helps promote unrestricted nitric oxide levels. According to a study from the Department of Medical Physiology and Microcirculation at Texas A&M University, norvaline increases NO production by 55%.


Caffeine works as a stimulant due to the fact that it has been found to alter the chemistry of the human brain, blocking various actions of regular brain chemicals that make us feel tired, sleepy, and lethargic. Adenosine, for example, is a lethargy-inducing chemical that binds onto specialist adenosine receptors within the brain. Once bound, nerve cell activity is reduced. However, to specialist nerve cells, caffeine looks almost identical to adenosine, so, once consumed, it will bind to these cells, too. However, caffeine behaves very differently to adenosine, as rather than promoting lethargy and drowsiness, caffeine has stimulating effects, making us feel more energized and alert. Caffeine also blocks adenosine, so more neurons are able to fire in the brain, and again, more energy and focus will be achieved. Things do not stop there however, as adrenalin is also produced, as the pituitary gland, sensing that something is different, sends a message to the adrenal glands to produce adrenalin, also known as epinephrine. Energy increase is the most obvious benefit associated with caffeine. When you’re feeling tired, or are struggling to focus, caffeine can provide a strong, but temporary, increase in energy levels. That is why Fury Extreme contains 300 mg of caffeine.


A precisely dosed mix of stimulant and nootropic alkaloids which are extracted from the schisandra fruit, cayenne pepper fruit, and bitter orange fruit. This perfect synergy will make you feel intense focus and sharp energy. Fury Extreme is a unique pre-workout stimulator which will help you to get the best version of yourself, will give you intensity and will fire up your every workout.


It enhances absorption and delivery of the ingredients for an even higher efficiency of Fury Extreme formula.


Mix 1 sachet of Fury Extreme and 350 ml of water in your shaker cup and consume 5 minutes before workout on an empty stomach. 

As Fury Extreme is a very potent supplement, we recommend beginner users to test their tolerance to this product.

As the recommended dose contains the equivalent of three cups of coffee (300 mg), we advise you to limit use of medicine, food or drinks which contain caffeine. This product is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and for persons suffering from phenylketonuria.

Warning! This product is prone to caking as it contains ingredients classified as hygroscopic. They absorb moisture from the environment and this can lead to clumping of powder into hard blocks. This is an absolutely normal process and does not indicate that the product is outdated. The hardening of the product does not affect its efficiency or flavour. To use the product, it is sufficient to stir the container or to break the hardened pieces. Store in a dry place to avoid caking.

Persons with known allergies to any ingredient of the product should consult a specialist and test the product before use. If an allergic reaction occurs, stop using the product; if symptoms persist or worsen, stop using the product and urgently see a doctor.

A serving of 18 g (1 sachet): 0 kJ/0 kcal, fat – 0 g, sugar – 0 g, fibre – 0 g, protein – 0 g, salt – 0 g.

Keep out of the reach of small children.

Store at temperatures under 25 °C, protected from light and moisture in the original container.

This dietary supplement should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Do not exceed recommended daily dose.