"I am the alpha and the omega...the first and the last..."
All our gym members at the "beginning of their career" always ask about the way of eating, the correct ratio of proteins and carbohydrates...
However, a few hold information in detail about the importance of essential fatty acids and their "representation."
Carbohydrates are there because of glycogen; yes, there is dextrose, insulin, glycemic index, ah, yes, amino acids, proteins...vitamins, minerals...but fats?
The eternal enigma of every beginner...and the question; so Why do I need them?
As soon as fats are mentioned, the first association is obesity (fat), cholesterol, etc., but the truth is a little different...
Why do we need fats?
Let's mention their roles for those who do not have enough information about the importance of fats.
✔ ENERGY ROLE (energy reserves - KETOGENESIS, KETOSIS - in case of long-term starvation by creating ketone bodies from fat, our body gets an alternative source of energy)
✔ BUILDING ROLE – phospholipids build cell membranes; Cholesterol belonging to steroids (fat derivatives) also participates in the construction of cell membranes...
✔ REGULATORY ROLE - hormones (steroid structures) - sufficient fat intake is necessary for hormonal balance.
✔ TRANSPORT ROLE - Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) are introduced into the body through foods that contain fat. Absorption, metabolism, and storage of these vitamins is also related to metabolism and fat in the body.
Previously, the best Omega-3 fatty acids were meat, eggs - all of these were natural and traditional sources of Omega-3 fatty acids while animals grazed and lived in nature.
And then everything changed...
Unfortunately, only fish oil capsules have become the safest source of Omega-3, standardized for DHA and EPA content... because the industrial way of raising animals has depleted them of Omega-3 content, so supplementation becomes inevitable!
Why should the emphasis be placed on fish oil?
Most people do not have the habit or conditions for regular consumption of blue sea fish 2-3 times a week (salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna, sardine, anchovy, cod...), so fish oil supplementation in all its forms is vital!
Let's mention that Omega-3 supplements contain about 1000 mg of concentrated, purified fish oil, which has been standardized for the appropriate content of EPA and DHA.
Before we go into more detail about the topic of fish oil and the importance of its use, let's draw attention to some essential aspects of its active ingredients, first of all, Omega-3 fatty acids.
Of nutritional importance to our body are α -linolenic acid (ALA) , eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They are all polyunsaturated and essential.
Therefore, our body cannot produce them on its own. They can only be ingested through food.
Some "vegan-minded individuals" prioritize cold-pressed linseed oil, which has undeniable qualities, but...
In cold-pressed linseed oil, there is predominantly ALA, which is by no means terrible because, in our body, the d6-desaturase enzyme creates active forms of Omega-3 from ALA (alpha-linolenic acid).
However, mammals cannot independently synthesize Omega-3 fatty acids. Still, they also have a limited ability to form (limitation of activity, i.e., the amount of available enzyme) Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA from ALA.
That's why the intake of EPA and DHA is very important (our body is not the most efficient in "processing ALA").
This is the main reason we focus on FISH OIL AS THE BEST SOURCE OF ACTIVE FORMS OF OMEGA-3, i.e., EPA and DHA.
Genius Nutrition® Omega 3 is a fish oil derived from fish living at great depths in the northern seas. It is a natural food supplement with a high concentration of the most clinically-researched Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), essential for oiling your body to work as a high-performance machine.
Genius Nutrition® Omega 3 fish oil contains high amounts of DHA and EPA.
Our unique and burpless formula provides over 3000mg of concentrated fish oil, with (540mg EPA and 260mg DHA) per daily serving of just 1 soft gel.
Besides them, fish oil also contains other beneficial unsaturated fatty acids, such as GLA (gamma-linoleic acid), which we will discuss some other time.
Is my Fish Oil even doing anything?
Some people are not colossal supplement lovers but have read that taking a regular dose of fish oil is beneficial.
So, they jump on the bandwagon to get some high-quality stuff.
Should you notice any change or difference in anything?
You may begin to develop certain inhuman traits.
Just kidding.
Let's see...
- Increase in muscle mass
Research from the University of Washington has shown that Omega-3 fatty acids stimulate protein synthesis and help in muscle growth and recovery. Specifically, Omega-3 fatty acids direct insulin and amino acids to act primarily on muscle building.
- Fat tissue consumption
If your goal is to lose weight, we have great news for you! Research in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition showed that Omega-3 fatty acids help burn fat tissue, using it as a source of energy for physical efforts. In addition, fish oil can fill you up to prevent excess calories from unhealthy snacks, which is why they can also indirectly help fight against extra pounds.
- Greater endurance
Omega-3 fatty acids reduce heart rate and limit the amount of oxygen the body consumes for physical exertion every minute, which means that the body needs less energy for strenuous training.
- They reduce inflammation and speed up recovery after training
Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the production of molecules associated with inflammation, such as inflammatory eicosanoids and cytokines.
Given that physical activity itself has an anti-inflammatory effect, by consuming Omega-3 fatty acids, you will better eliminate painful muscle inflammation.
In addition, because they prevent inflammation, Omega-3 fatty acids will speed recovery after training. Also, their anti-inflammatory effect eliminates the temporary loss of strength and range of motion after physical activity.
But also:
- improvement of circulation and the lowering HBP pressure
- important in cardiac arrhythmia and coronary heart diseases
- strengthen the immune system
- promote fat metabolism
- reduce the level of cholesterol, triglycerides, and sugar in the blood
- improve blood flow to the muscles and improve cellular fat burning
- improve the appearance and health of the skin, hair, and nails
Just to emphasize the point here.
It's not about the fish oil you take (although sometimes it is). It's more about how much Omega-3 you take.
This is because fish oil capsules vary in Omega 3 concentration. Generally, cheaper fish oil will have less Omega 3 per capsule.
So, just be sure that you're getting the amount of Omega-3 you need and not just counting capsules.
Also, you could try our Omega-3T which is backed by 8000 pieces of research and is one-of-a kind triglyceride form on the market.
Happy burping.