Many 'WHEYs', but which is the right one for you?

Whey protein is one of the priority supplements of every ambitious recreational or top athlete. It is indisputably on the throne due to its high biological value that guarantees maximum utilization. It also has good digestibility, an ideal profile of essential amino acids, a wealth of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), significant glutamine content, the presence of "immuno-active" protein fractions, and a variety of flavors. All these guarantee maximum performance, but which whey?

Many 'wheys', but what is the right one for you?
Many beginners often associate whey powder with whey protein - a BIG MISTAKE! Um, and what is the difference between whey powder and whey protein? Whey powder, which can be easily obtained in health food stores, is obtained by the process of dehydration at a high temperature, where proteins are denatured (to varying degrees). Thus, their biological value is reduced. In this way, these proteins cannot manifest their positive effects!
The proportion of protein in whey powder is around 10-15%, while carbohydrates and fats dominate by far, and there are also various unwanted additions to whey powder - ash, etc. On the other hand, whey protein is obtained from liquid whey (unprocessed) by a micro-ultrafiltration process that separates pure protein from excess lactose and fat. With modern methods, the process takes place at low temperatures, so there is no risk of denaturation!

3 whey(s) to supplement (concentrate, isolate, hydrolyzate)

Let's start with the numbers...

- The concentrate contains 35-89% protein,
- Isolate whey contains, on average, about 88-92% protein, while
- The hydrolyzate is almost ideal in terms of protein content (over 92%),

Extraction gives you the best from whey - proteins! And this is where the famous competition between whey protein concentrate (WPC), isolate, and hydrolyzate arises.

Whey concentrate is the least processed type of protein. Besides protein, it contains lactose, fats, minerals, carbohydrates, and water.
It is considered the least quality form of whey protein but the tastiest. Its taste is mainly affected by the content of sugar and fat, so if you are a gym beginner, a recreational athlete, you are not on restrictive diets, you do not count every gram of carbohydrates you eat; you do not have problems with lactose intolerance, a quality WPC is all you need.
However, it is not a suitable whey for people with lactose intolerance or those with digestion problems. Also, it starts to be absorbed after about one hour; the body digests it after two hours. Of course, hydrolyzate and isolate are faster, but how important are these advantages for a beginner?

Still, if you are an adventurous beginner, try our WHEY-X5. It is a mix of whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate produced via natural cold ultra-filtration technology.
Ok, the next one is for the people who know more about whey protein.

PROTEIN-F5 is a multi-fusion protein complex for optimal results. It is a high-quality blend that combines 5 types of proteins (Whey, Milk, Soy, Egg, Pea) to provide a complete amino acid profile and support the nutritional needs of those who want to build and maintain muscle mass.

Whey isolate is the most common form of whey protein. The high proportion of proteins is combined with minimal, even no, lactose content. At the same time, it has a low proportion of fat and carbohydrates.
Thanks to its composition, whey protein isolate is suitable for people with lactose intolerance. It is also recommended for people who are trying to reduce fat and, at the same time, protect and regenerate muscles after hard training. We can also help you here with ISOLATE-X5.
This whey isolate is the most impressive innovation in purification using natural cold ultrafiltration (CFW®). This protein is ideal for individuals susceptible to lactose levels found in whey concentrates.

Whey hydrolyzate contains amino acids that were previously enzymatically digested. Its share of lactose and fat is kept below 1%. Thanks to this, it is absorbed exceptionally quickly, already a few minutes after taking it. Produced by the hydrolysis process, it can reduce the allergic potential of whey and milk protein. This process divides long protein chains into smaller ones that are easier to digest.
Hydrolysis can improve protein solubility and digestibility. Because of all this, hydrolyzed whey protein is among the highest-quality proteins on the market but costs a bit more. We recommend it to those who want to build muscle mass quickly.
Genius Nutrition® made a step further with this isolate whey. Meet HYDRO-HD! HydroHD is the fastest-absorbing protein source available on the market today. It is a perfect mix of hydrolyzed whey protein and PeptoPro which contains mostly dipeptides and tripeptides, which are absorbed super fast.

It's all about the process of whey protein
Pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer, the processing of the protein itself, as well as possible additives - fillers. Let's see - cold filtration allows the whey protein fractions not to lose their basic 3-D structure (no denaturation), so there is no loss of their biological activity, as well as "immuno-active properties", without the consequent occurrence of possible allergic reactions ( cause of protein denaturation).
Therefore, please don't buy something because of the lower price.
You won't save the money. Instead, you wasted it on low-quality protein, which due to its composition and inadequate processing, can lead to digestive discomfort (diarrhea, cramps, bloating, gas...), as well as allergic reactions!

A source of protein
When buying protein, pay attention to its source. If you consume protein after training, our advice would be to opt for pure whey protein (whey protein isolate is easier to digest and has a higher percentage of protein than concentrate).
But for a recreational level, whey concentrate and the concentrate-isolate combination is more than excellent.
If you use protein as a meal replacement, you can freely opt for a protein mixture that contains several sources of protein, and thus you will include both fast-absorbing and slow-absorbing proteins. If you take protein before bed, the best option is casein, which is gradually absorbed.

'A whey of taste'
Another significant thing! Many will say "taste is not important", but we would say that it is very important! Why drink protein that tastes bad when you can choose from fantastic flavors?
I'll mention some of our whey flavors: chocolate dreams, strawberry, blueberry muffin, biscotti cookies, vanilla honey, choco-caramel...to name a few. Sounds tempting, doesn't it? In the end... Be well-informed before purchasing any supplement. Know your priorities!
Do not think that a protein supplement will substitute the proteins you did not take in with the basic diet. On the contrary, it is only an addition to the base to meet the advanced needs of your body as a result of hard training - especially in ambitious recreational athletes and top athletes.

You don't grow from protein supplements. You grow from the tons of iron you've lifted in training, the tons of quality food you've consumed, and the time you've spent in training!